The Committee

The committee are elected annually and meet regularly to ensure the smooth running of the club. The current committee members and their roles are listed below:

The responsibilities of committee member roles are laid out in the club handbook, as follows:

  • The PRESIDENT shall, whenever possible, chair Annual and Special General Meetings and committee meetings and shall perform other duties as required by the committee.
  • The VICE-PRESIDENT shall deputise for the President when necessary and shall perform other duties as decided by the committee.
  • The SECRETARY shall keep the minutes of all meetings and conduct the affairs of the club.
  • The TREASURER shall collect monies owing, making payments on behalf of the club after authorisation by the committee and presenting the balance sheet at the AGM.
  • The MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY shall be responsible for collecting subscriptions and membership administration
  • The PROGRAMME SECRETARY shall be responsible under the direction of the committee, for arranging the club's programmes.
  • The PUBLICITY SECRETARY shall be responsible, under the direction of the committee, for publicising the club.
  • The PRINT COMPETITION SECRETARY shall be responsible, under the direction of the committee, for all print competitions.
  • The DIGITAL IMAGE COMPETITION SECRETARY shall be responsible, under the direction of the committee, for all digital image competitions
  • The EVENTS SECRETARY shall be responsible, under the direction of the committee for arranging the club's outdoor photographic events.
  • The WEBSITE SECRETARY shall be responsible, under the direction of the committee, for maintaining and administering the efficient operation of the content on the Club website.
  • The COMMITTEE MEMBER shall perform duties as defined by the committee.